New Office Expansion

Cast Iron Media has experienced rapid growth over the past two years, culminating in the recent opening of new offices in the Midwest and on the West Coast. These expansions were prompted by the needs of our partners and clients, and the opportunities we saw to achieve success for the brands, agencies, teams, venues, and leagues we work with.

Our Midwest office is located in The Loop in Chicago, offering a spectacular view of Lake Michigan. It is led by Paul South, our newly appointed SVP of Midwest Sales, who oversees a talented team of sales and marketing professionals.

On the West Coast, our recently hired SVP of West Coast Sales, Andy Barnet, has taken the reins and is in the process of growing his team in Southern California. This office is located in “Silicon Beach,” just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean and LAX.

Along with our finance team’s outpost in Doylestown, PA and our headquarters located in Irvington, NY, right on the Hudson River (yes, we have a thing for offices near water), we have hubs for our team in key locations across the country.

As we continue to expand, we're excited about the national reach we're achieving and how this positions Cast Iron to better serve our partners and clients.

Mid-Season Update: Major League Baseball's Playoff Pursuit and What it Means for Advertisers

07.17.2024 / As the MLB season reaches the halfway mark, the success of major market teams are not just shaping the playoff race but also presenting lucrative opportunities for brands.

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The Rise of Women's Sports: A Prime Opportunity for Brand Marketing

06.03.2024 / Women's sports have been gaining momentum and recognition at an unprecedented rate, making them a fertile space for brands to market, especially on local streaming platforms.

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Minor League Baseball: A Home Run Opportunity for Brand Engagement

04.16.2024 / With over 160 teams spread across the United States and Canada, the minor leagues offer an abundance of opportunities for brands to engage with passionate fans in-venue.

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